There is a still quietness that I hadn’t expected when the snow falls in a big city. Everyone is in their own cave. It really feels like I am a bear hibernating, and I like looking out the window in my warm apartment watching how the wind moves the snowflakes in spirals and swirls! It excites and inspires me to go outside.
After all the layers are on, I brace myself for the onslaught. Cold air hits my face, the only place uncovered, and snowflakes grace my eyelashes. No matter, I am delighted to walk to the park several blocks away.
The only people I see are a few dog owners walking the happiest bitches I have ever seen. Oh what a delight as they romp in the white playground. I can’t help but laugh out loud as they rush me to pet them, and I do with pleasure. After all I am the only two legged out there with a smile on my face, without a dog. I know they think I’m crazy, I can see it in their body language, at least the dogs know better!
Back at the apartment I am happy and ready to paint the first in my “Soulwork Series”I’ll keep you posted.